Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

I feel like I am about to confess to having an adulterous affair--worse still, one that has been going on for over a year, is still great and that I have no intention of ending. It's not that I don't still love knitting and yarn, because I do, but it just doesn't thrill me right now. Maybe it will again sometime--after all, I have been with my knitting needles for over twenty years. You just don't throw away that kind of history. But for right now, I am really have a great time making mosaics with glass. It started innocently enough when I took a night class at the FIA (Flint Institute of Arts). I really didn't know what I was doing. I was just curious. But once I tried it, it was great. The glass is just so amazing--similar to yarn in that you can really make anything you want, any size or shape you want, to any design that you want. And the colors are equally vivid, brilliant and rich. But, unlike the coziness and nestiness of yarn, glass is brittle, fragile, and dangerous--a little thrilling. Here is a bit of my supply so far:

This is my first project--which doesn't photograph so well because the hundreds (thousands, maybe?) of pieces all reflect the light at a slightly different angle. It's impossible to get all the pieces looking their best all at the same time. This is a table top about 48" x 30". I made the design up as I went along because I had no idea what I was doing.

Here is a closer look:
Here again.

That table took up the entire fall class (8 weeks) and I took another class in Winter (again 8 weeks), during which I did this window. The stained glass is on a storm window (thank you, Wandmachers, for donating this to the cause). It is bigger (and therefore heavier) than the table, I would guess about 56" x 36". I wanted to do something entirely different so I would learn how to cut larger, curved shapes. And I did.
This fish isn't what I wanted him (her? it?) to be. I would do it very differently if I could do it again, but isn't that the way of things.

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