Friday, October 17, 2008

Hulk 'n' More

It's Friday, which means it's my chance to head to the FIA to work on my flower mosaic (featured a few weeks ago). Here is the studio (or, more accurately, the southeast corner of the room with all my stuff spread about).

I was completely at a loss as to how I should finish the background. I was intending to do a simple blue fade to green background. When I mentioned that to Amy, my mosaic teacher, she had a hard time masking her derisive snorts. She suggested something with "wild colors" and with "lots of motion." What the hell? So I came up with this octopus-type blob. She loves it; I feel the verge of an anxiety attack coming on when I think about it too much. I have no idea where I am going with this, and I have no idea how I am going to finish it. It should look like roses in front of a funky, but discreet, wallpaper, but I fear it looks more like a space creature about to devour the roses.

And here's how far I got today. It really is a wonderful space in which to work. I had to whole room to myself, which isn't unusual, since any classmates that do show up for studio time tend to work (or live lives) during the weekdays and go in on the weekends. As I work I can look out over the FIA parking lot and just beyond it to Central High school. I didn't enjoy my highschool experiences in the least, but I do enjoy watching other people enduring it. I wish I had made the fruit platter much, much bigger.

Meanwhile, the Hulk gets filled in. I worked on his hair today. (That was a pisser; how do you make glass shards look like locks of hair? You don't.) He looks a bit like a tiny guy in a giant, green, padded muscle shirt. I am dreading making the face. It's one thing to do a chop job on a fist or shoulder, but if the face looks blocky or bitty, it will be really bad. I did want to do the pants first, but I had a sudden panic that the purple glass I got was too drab. I ordered two pieces of other purples online and can then decide once and for all after they arrive. Why is good purple glass so hard to find? Another one of life's little mysteries.

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