Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Marvelously Marveling

I didn't work on this most of my holiday break, but I have been working lately and here is the current state of play:

The Hulk is done, purple pants and green face and all. I also started working on The Thing. I put off beginning this because I thought it would be hell on Earth but it turns out that it isn't. The internal debates were Debate 1: Should I fragment the orange sections (easier, but may look choppy) or try to cut each piece surrounded by black as a single piece (almost inconceivably difficult but more "rock like" in appearance). I struggled with this until I convinced myself that fragmented bits of glass can, too, look rock like or so I told myself so that I would begin working on it. Debate 2: Should I use the marbling side of the glass which has half a dozen or so shades of orange swirled within it (prettier colors but not very true to the original picture) or should I go with the other side which is a solid, dark orange (which is more like the original comic but would look very "flat" and not as interesting. I went with the swirls and, I tell myself, it also looks more "rock like" because it looks variegated and more shaped. I also just started The Thing's speech bubble. I have done the circle around it, and a bit of white in the bubble stem just to see what working with white would be like. I finished the black outlines on the right arm. Working on this went particularly easily, perhaps because I was listening to Atom Heart Mother (I've always wanted to take photographs of cows--what's that about?) which I haven't listened to in many, many years (two decades?!? Eek!). And, if all goes well this evening (which even typing that makes me think I have doomed my chances), I will start filling in the wrist and lower arm.
And here is the whole thing so far. Hmmm. I doesn't look like I have done all that much. How could I possibly think I would get this done by Christmas? Perhaps Summer Solstice is more likely.
Debate 3, as of yet not settled: And what for the background color? In the comic, it is a rather drab faded soft yellowly newspaper color. Not appealing. I want it to looks like they are bursting through a broken windscreen, so I am thinking either tightly fragmented clear glass or (fearing that may reveal a bit too much of the machinery behind the piece) lightly frosted glass. Hmmm.

1 comment:

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Jami, I was here a week ago reading up what you've been doing... I thought you had stopped blogging until I saw all these posts about the art you're making now with glass. I think your vase is beautiful, and this Hulk illustration is so great.