Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time to stop felting and start...hmm, I'm not sure.

I like to go to our local Good Will store and check the sweater racks for hidden treasure. There must be a lot of dissatisfied Gap and Eddie Bauer shoppers in this town because every visit I find at least four or five of their woolly rejects. So, for a mere $1.89 each and after a quick dip in an extra hot, super agitated wash, I get a teenie weenie felty sweater ready to be cut up and turned into something amusing or bizarre or...What? I'm waiting for inspiration, but I'm not coming up with much. It doesn't help that it is gray and dreary out. (When in doubt, blame the weather. I do and so far it has worked for the 9 years I've lived in this gray wasteland.) But these felties are starting to take over my basement, bedroom and project bags hidden in every spare space throughout the house, so it's time to get busy.

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